Varied durations in rugby games explained
The duration of a rugby game can vary depending on the level and type of match being played. Generally, a rugby game consists of two halves, with each half lasting for 40 minutes, adding up to a total match duration of 80 minutes. However, this does not account for additional time due to injuries, stoppages, and time-wasting tactics employed during the match.
Rugby: Actual playing time varies significantly
While the time allotted for each half is 40 minutes, it's important to understand that actual playing time might differ significantly. Due to various stoppages during the game such as set pieces, scrums, line-outs, penalties, injuries, and substitutions, the ball is often not in play for the entire duration of the half. Consequently, the average ball-in-play time in rugby can be around 35-40 minutes, with the remaining time accounted for by stoppages and other non-playing moments.
Added time in professional rugby matches
Moreover, it is worth mentioning that professional rugby matches often have added time at the referee's discretion. This additional time, known as injury time or overtime, is provided to compensate for any significant stoppages during the match, such as injuries or long video reviews. The referee can decide to extend the game to ensure fairness and allow both teams an equal opportunity to play.
Varying Rugby Match Durations Based on Type
Additionally, the duration of rugby matches can also vary based on the type of rugby being played. For instance, sevens rugby, which is played with 7 rather than 15 players on each team, has shorter match durations. Sevens matches consist of two halves of 7 minutes each, making the total game time just 14 minutes. However, in higher-level tournaments, like the Rugby World Cup Sevens, the duration might be extended to 10 minutes per half, resulting in a 20-minute match.